Buy grape wine graciano
The Graciano grape is characterized by its intense color and distinctive acidic notes. In the Rioja, the Spanish Graciano grape, which is often processed together with the Tempranillo grape, is responsible for the excellent quality and excellent aging capacity of classic Rioja wines. Discover our range of Spanish Graciano wines at iberoWine at attractive prices.
wines Graciano grape
It is a low yield grape, so it is not very abundant.
Best graciano grape wines online
The wines that are made with it are very appreciated, for endowing it with an intense red and high acidity. It gives the wines greater longevity. The wine that this grape produces is characterized by its intense red color, strong aroma and ability to age properly.
Where is graciano wine made?
This grape is native to the Rioja, and is often used with the tenpranillo grape to which it contributes color.