Buy grape wine tempranillo blanco

Wines of Tempranillo grapes white
This grape arises as a natural mutation of the tempranillo red grape. it is a mutation by albinism.
Where Tempranillo grape wine is made white
The production of wines with this grape is centered in La Rioja.
The DNA of similarity enters the ink and the white DNA is 97%.
It is a grape with a very short cycle and early ripening. Little resistant to high temperatures.
Due to its early maturation, it is not advisable to extend the harvest period due to the high probability of accumulating sugars.
It maintains an adequate balance between acidity and alcoholic degree, which makes it an ideal grape to make young and aging wines.
Best tempranillo white grape wines online
Their wine is of a greenish amaraillo, and fruity aromas. In the mouth are balanced wines.
They are wines to drink with fish, seafood and rice.