Red and white wines from the Coop Virgen de la Sierra winery

wines. Coop-Virgen ode La Sierra
Cooperativa Virgen de la Sierra winery has the honor of being one of the first Cooperatives of Aragón. Founded in 1954, with the efforts of many, it was possible to build a building that represented not only the desire to work and effort, but the entrepreneurial spirit to do something new, different ...
This spirit is what we want to convey: farmers who want to look forward, professionals who observe the market and can give that touch of distinction to our wine ...
We want to transmit our legacy of centuries-old Grenache vineyards, of Maccabees with character, of mineral and stone and wind, of sun and snow, of hardness and sweetness, of tradition and modernity.
At present, almost 70% of our production is dedicated to third countries in North America, Europe and Asia.
Best Coop wines. Virgen of La Sierra
Buy wines from Coop. Virgen of La Sierra