Buy D.O. Valencia wines online

Buy D.O. Valencia wines online

Wines from the DO Valencia Today the O.D. Valencia has a production potential of 18,060 hectares of vineyards spread (...) continue reading

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Wines from the DO Valencia

Today the O.D. Valencia has a production potential of 18,060 hectares of vineyards spread over four sub production are: Alto Turia, Clariano, Valentino and Moscatel.
The wines protected by the Designation of Origin Valencia must be made from grapes from areas respective production and authorized varieties and under proper technique that allows them to achieve their peculiarities organoleptic characteristics, qualified and controlled by the Regulatory Council through its services inspectors and tasting committee.
Producing wines of quality has been a constant since the constitution of the Designation of Origin Valencia, however, in recent years it has carried out a profound transformation embarking on an ambitious project covering from planting new vines and methods development, to the construction of modern warehouses and cooperatives equipped with the most advanced technologies, with the intention of entering the wine market prestige and position our wines in place for quality deserve.
White: Macabeo, Malvasia, Merseguera, Moscatel, Pedro Ximénez, Fina Plant, Planta Nova, Tortosi, Verdil, Chardonnay and Semillon Blanc.
Inks: Grenache, Bonicaire, Monastrell, Tempranillo, Tintorera, Forcayat, Bobal, Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, Syrah and Pinot Noir.
The wines under DO Valencia stating the minimum alcohol are:
WHITE: 10%
REDS: 10.5 °
PINK: 10.5 °

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Designation of Origin

Product of the Basque Country | Catalunya | Tierra de Leon | Terra Alta | without GI | Ribera del Jucar | Pago de Arinzano | A.O.C. Champagne | Alicante | Almansa | Bajo Aragon oil | Bierzo | Campo de Borja | Calatayud | Cariñena | Cava | Cigales | Condado de Huelva | Crémant de Bourgogne | D.O.C Prosecco | Dominio de Valdepusa | El Terrerazo | Emporda | Getariako Txakolina | IGP Bajo Aragón | IGP Valdejalón | Jerez | Jumilla | La Mancha | IGP Valle del Cinca | Madrid | Málaga | Manzanilla - Sanlúcar de Barrameda | DOP Mentrida-Toledo | Monterrei | Montsant | Navarra | Pago Finca Bolandín | Penedes | Priorat | Product of Spain | Rias Baixas | Ribeira Sacra | Ribeiro | Ribera del Duero | Rioja | Rueda | Somontano | Toro | V.T. Castilla y León | V.T.Castilla-La Mancha | V.T. de Cadiz | V.T. del Bajo Aragón | V.T. Ribera del Gállego-Cinco Villas | Valdeorras | Valley of Ordesa
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