Buy grape wine Cariñena

wines Cariñena grape
Where is Cariñena grape wine made?
Cariñena is a Spanish grape that has been planted mainly in the Western Mediterranean, although it is also found today in the rest of the world.
Cariñena is also known as: Mazuela, Mazuelo, Samsó, Caranyana, Crinyana, Granyena, Caragnane, Carignan.
-The clusters are large in size, with marked shoulders, berries in uniform size but irregular coloration.
- Compact.
- Of very short peduncle.
It gives rise to musts with a high sugar content and a good color, with a high content of astringent tannins and with bitter and herbaceous aromas.
It has good acidity.
-Base of alcoholic wines, colored and others that develop good aromas in young wines.
- They are a source of high and adequate acidity.
-Wines from old strains can be excellent.
- Its very aromatic musts, give young wines of very lively color with floral aromas, predominating the violets, but they have little aromatic stability in its evolution.
- Its content in tannins is high so it ages well and gives wines with body.
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