Pacharan liqueur from the Licorera Vasca Olañeta winery
Liquors from the Licorera Vasca Olañeta winery
In 1910 José Luis Olaneta Miigica, Elgeta native is associated with his brother Ramón Badiola Zufiaurre forming the company "Wines & Olaneta Badiola", located on the Avenida de Buenavista, 30 Donostia-San Sebastián. Company that came to be important because of the large quantity of wine exported.
In 1921 contract the services of a renowned distiller of Bordeaux. This recruitment is key, as they acquire some knowledge on the development of fine liquors that were not available to anyone at the time. Since then, the company has two distinct product lines: Wines and Liquors. (This is the origin of the current Liquor Basque Olaneta dedicated to developing and Liqueurs)